Be the Hostess with the Mostest: Event Planning Strategies That WON’T Give You A Headache

Event planning is a great way to engage with your target market and boost your business. But it also takes work. And, if you are like most of the business owners we know, you already have a lot on your plate (maybe it even feels like it is spinning above your head and getting ready to eject its contents). Here are some simple strategies to help your event planning come a bit easier! 

How did you know we would talk about strategic planning? 

One of the most important parts of planning an event is to make sure you are doing it intentionally, i.e. in line with your strategic plan. Your WHY for your business must be involved in the event planning fun, otherwise it might be a big old flop. The first question to ask yourself is: 

What are you hoping to achieve from this event? 

If you are a non-profit, are you hoping to raise funds for a certain project? As a for-profit business, do you want to get the word out about your brand? Are you trying to throw a shindig for loyal customers to help retention? Getting down to the nuts and bolts of why you want to play hostess will help you to deliver a clear and concise message.  

Once you and your team have an understanding about what you want to achieve, you need to decide on your target audience and set a realistic budget. These can take a lot of time and effort, but they make up the foundation of the rest of your event planning.  

Now that the hard part is over… 

Now you can start to focus on some of the more fun details of your event: format, scheduling, location, dates, times, attendees, theme, etc. Interactive events may be more successful than ones that require a lot of sitting and listening, but that will also depend on your target market and what you are hoping to accomplish. Some types of events we have enjoyed hosting in the past include: 

  • Happy hours 
  • Awards shows 
  • Golf outings 
  • Fundraising events 
  • Luncheons 
  • Sponsorship events 
  • Festivals and more 

Let your strategic plan guide the way and you will find that things fall into place.  

When and why should you outsource? 

If reading the last paragraph leaves your head spinning, then you know it’s time to outsource your event planning.  

Outsourcing comes with huge benefits, including access to professionals who specialize in strategic event planning, promotion and execution. It would be a bad business move to spend your budget (and valuable time) on an event that hasn’t been promoted properly and doesn’t end up boosting your business or brand. 

When you outsource to an agency, such as P&A, your team also gets their time freed up to run the business as usual, even as the event itself is in the works. This creates less stress in the workplace and a happier crew, which in turn makes your job as the boss a whole lot easier. 

Many people think that outsourcing for events or other marketing costs more money, but in reality, it saves you big time. Using professionals with industry knowledge means you have the inside scoop on how to get the most bang for your buck. Otherwise, you might fall into the trappings of hidden fees and add-in costs. When you are a small business, sticking to your budget means you have a better bottom line.  

A good event host or hostess knows their “why” and executes with a clear and strategic plan. Outsourcing is a great way to keep it neat and tidy for your team. Want to chat more about events and how we can help turn yours into a success? Just head on over to our website’s Contact Us page.  


How You Know You Need a New Website

Need a new website

The signs are popping up all around you. You start to feel like things are slowing down with your business, and you can’t quite put a finger on it. You hate going on your website because it looks outdated. You start to wonder if you need a new website or just a vacation.  

You need a new website 

If any of the above have been happening to you, it is probably time to consider updating your website or doing a complete overhaul. In today’s world, where things seem to be moving at hyper speed, websites go out of date quickly. That isn’t to say that brands don’t have staying power. Rather, we need to keep up with our consumers if we are going to offer them a great experience with our product, service, website or brand.  

Here are some tried and true signs that it is time to get a new website:

Your website is old or no longer aligns with your brand 

If your website looks old (or IS old, meaning more than three-years old) it may be time for an update. You also want to make sure the content on your site aligns with any branding changes you have had. Most business owners understand keeping their logo up-to-date on their site, but things like voice and messaging also need to be tweaked to ensure they are the same across all platforms.  

Your website has a confusing user experience 

If the navigation on your website is no longer serving your customers, it is definitely time for an update. User experience is everything, so making it both functional and visually pleasing will only help your brand to retain those loyal customers and attract new ones. Out with the slow loading pages and in with the more timely, clean and functional navigation! 

Your website isn’t optimized for mobile devices 

A large chunk of your customers will come to your site via mobile device, so if your website was created mainly for desktop being the main point of entry, it’s time to revamp. Why? Because not all websites  automatically convert from desktop to user-friendly mobile and if your customer is having a difficult user experience on your site, you can bet they probably won’t purchase from you.  

You aren’t nailing it in the inbound marketing department 

What meets customers when they log on to your website? Is it simply informational? If so, it is time to update your content and create an experience they will enjoy when interacting with your brand. Inbound marketing simply refers to making sure consumers who flock to your website will be met with engaging, educational content that will lead them to a purchasing decision.  

You have a high bounce rate 

We’ve saved the most important marker for last. Bounce rate is the percentage of people who visit your site only once and then leave (quickly). Whether they were turned away by something or didn’t find it appealing or easy to use, we don’t know. What we do know, however, is that you can’t make customers out of single-page visitors. It is important to know your bounce rate and act swiftly if you see it creeping into the 70-90% range consistently.  

Want to take your website from zero to hero? Chat with us to find out more about what we offer or check out our Entrepreneurial Pathway Program for a full list of package options, priced just for business owners.  

Two Words: User Experience

When your customers land on your website’s home page, what awaits them? With any luck (and a whole bunch of research and design expertise), they will be pleasantly surprised to find something both visually pleasing and easy to navigate. User experience is everything when it comes to building a website … but many times we forget the who, what, why and how of website design.  

Design your website for a supremely satisfying user experience 

Not every single company who claims website design and development expertise actually understands designing something specific to your target market. It may be up to you to keep everyone moving in the same direction. Whether you use someone in-house or outsource your website building and design, there are a few things you need to keep in mind in order to offer a great user experience: 

Avoid clutter 

Who doesn’t love the old K.I.S.S. (Keep It Simple, Stupid) strategy? It is good for everything from website design to vacationing with children. Clutter and complexity are not what your target market wants to stumble upon when they head to your website. Instead, make sure the visual presentation looks balanced and clear. This doesn’t mean everyone needs to adopt a minimalistic approach, but keeping things simple and straightforward will make customers more likely to peruse your site.  

Design for mobile first 

Some web designers get the heady idea that their beautiful site will be viewed on a large desktop screen. However, more than 50 percent  of web visits occur on mobile devices, with that number steadily rising. Make sure your website is optimized for viewing (and USING) on those handy computers we carry in our pockets. Your customers are much more likely to purchase your product or service if they can do it easily from their phone instead of waiting until they reach their desktop or laptop.  

Encourage scrolling 

As your site becomes a reality, it is important to make sure you offer the chance for consumers to scroll. Needing to click from page to page and product to product is difficult for users and increases loading times. That doesn’t mean you should give everything up on the landing page and forget about the rest of the site, though. Just give them tidbits of information in a format that is easier to scroll through (especially on mobile) so they can spend more leisurely time exploring your brand. Check out the site we built for our client, Martin Overhead Doors, for a great example of offering enough info on the first page that consumers will only need to click through a few times before knowing what they want. 

Be intentional with your visuals

As a strategic marketing firm, it is painful to see websites that do NOT align with the brand’s vision and voice. Make sure you have a solid understanding of the image you want to portray to your customers. That means being intentional about all visuals and images (even stock photos) that you stick onto your site. The more consistent everything is, the better the user experience and the more trustworthy your brand will be.  

Building a website is complicated. We could write many more blogs about the trimmings and trappings of getting it up and running. If you feel overwhelmed even thinking about it, check out our Entrepreneurial Pathway Program for more information on website development options we offer. Whether you just need someone to help with finishing touches or you need it built from the ground up, we are here to ensure your customers get that great user experience that will bring them back time and time again.   

What to Wear To Work in a Heat Wave

By Your Biz Squad (Style) Professional: Stephanie Grabow

Outside, it’s hotter than Satan’s house cat. 

And you know that inside your office building you’re going to be assaulted with air conditioning so cold it will give you goosebumps.

So now it’s 6:45 am and you’re standing in your closet wondering how you get dressed for anything when the thing that feels best is… nothing.

And nothing is probably not an option in your company dress code.

I grew up in the Mid-South, just a few miles from the banks of the Mississippi River, and walking outside in July and August could feel like you were moving through liquid Vaseline.

Sticky, heavy, exhausting.

My experience surviving that heat and humidity, combined with the wisdom handed down from generations of stylish Southern ladies has given me the secrets to getting dressed in the heat. You can look pulled together and fresh without freezing your fanny off in your workplace that’s kept at a temperature only a bro could love.

Here are five tips that will be your saving graces:

Choose Natural Fabrics and Lightweight Textures

Linen, cotton, chambray, seersucker, and gauze are all breathable and allow air to circulate around your body, keeping you cool. These fabrics move with you, creating your own private little breezes and allowing sweat to evaporate more quickly. 

And let’s agree to give up the need for perfectly pressed and starched fabrics in summer. If your linen is starched as stiff as a tabletop, it’s not able to move and won’t allow air to circulate. You might as well be wearing your stiff living room curtains for all the good that’s doing you. 

Allow your natural fabrics to show their intrinsic texture and beauty. That movement and bounce provide the lush elegance that makes them such favorites. Release your need for starched perfection and embrace your new chill, relaxed style. 

Keep Your Silhouettes Loose

Save your catsuit for December. 

In the blazing summer sun choose dresses, skirts, and wide-legged bottoms that allow air to move around your body. Loose silhouettes keep you cool and also provide a relaxed and stylish look. Think about flowing sheath dresses, breezy maxi skirts, and even office appropriate shorts. These pieces create an elegant and airy vibe, perfect for battling the summer heat while still looking put-together.

Make Your Thighs Happy

Nothing will ruin your mood and your day (not to mention your focus) more than miserable, chafed, sweaty thighs. (IYKYK)

Find yourself a pair of undershorts specifically designed to be worn under your skirt. Sometimes referred to as slipshorts, girlshorts or anti-chafe shorts, these foundation garments are lightweight, soft, and breathable. Think of them as Spanx without the compression. They’ll keep you comfortable all day. Bonus, they wick sweat away for an extra dose of cool comfort.

Minimize Accessories

When it’s 97 degrees outside, the last thing you want is heavy jewelry sticking to your skin and weighing you down. Choose a few focal pieces like great earrings, a thin necklace, or a statement bag. Avoid chunky bracelets, heavy necklaces, or massive layers of jewelry that can trap heat and feel bulky.

Choose Stylish Layers

Keep a light cardigan or wrap tucked into your bag to throw on when you feel the chill of the air conditioning. 

Materials like linen and gauze won’t add bulk but will provide just enough warmth to insulate you from cold indoor air. That extra layer also adds an element of style to your outfit, finishing it in a way that feels chic and polished.

Protip: Choose your layers with thought and make sure they’re in proportion with your entire look. That old, boxy, white cardigan thrown over your breezy dress will turn your outfit from relaxed to sloppy in a hot second. 

You can navigate the summer heat wave and still look stylish and chic. You’ve got this!

Stephanie Grabow is the Founder and CEO of Stephanie Grabow Style+ and SG Style Collective. She is a style coach for female entrepreneurs and leaders, a speaker and a curator of beautiful things. It is her goal to make nailing your look the easiest 10 minutes of your day. Follow her at

Not All Designs Should Be Created Equal (and Other Reasons You Shouldn’t Use Your Flyer as an Instagram Post)

We could throw out a million jokes about why size matters, but let’s cut to the chase: All designs don’t work with all social media platform sizing requirements. If you drop the ball with your target market because of subpar posts, a competitor will be there with crisp, professional marketing to get their attention. Not to use fear tactics to drive you into hypervigilance or anything, but in the fast-paced world that is today’s marketing you need to be ready to strike while the iron is hot. And that means delivering not only some great content, but stuff that LOOKS good too.  

Your designs need to have the right sizing to make the right impact 

It’s tempting to make one graphic (or hire someone to make one graphic) and cut corners by posting it to every outlet. Believe me, we have been there (and, admittedly, done that). It is a mistake everyone makes at some point on their social media journey. And, as with all mistakes, it is important to continuously learn better ways of doing things.  

Resizing your graphics to fit specifications for different social media platforms is a much better way to offer crisp, professional looking content to your target market. 

Not only that, it will also make you more searchable for those fancy algorithms, which prioritize optimized images over those that are not correctly sized. Increasing your reach in this way is simpler than it seems and it will make your entire social profile appear more credible to your future customers. No more pixelated images or truncated text for you! 

Why working with a professional graphic designer helps 

Graphic designers are in the know about sizing (which can change often for various platforms) and they understand the importance of crisp visuals in grabbing attention from your scrolling target market. You will also need to take into account the differing sizes for videos versus static posts, stories, reels and more. Graphic designers will often create multiple versions of one image or video so it can be shared across various platforms with correct sizing. Remember, this doesn’t just help the visual appeal of your brand, it also helps your reach! 

The magic of hiring a professional graphic designer lies in their ability to build unique, creative and on-brand designs married with the knowledge of which imagery to use where and at what sizing. 

Now, think about combining THAT with professional content creators, digital marketing wizards, PR mavens and more. Did someone say growth? Brand recognition? An increase in customers and sales? That is the magic of the P&A Team. 

Can you do it in house? Yes. Can you do it yourself? Yes. You can do whatever you set your mind to. You are a business owner after all! But we do find that many entrepreneurs who are overwhelmed with all it takes to run a business benefit from outsourcing their graphic design and other strategic marketing to companies like us, who can give them a lot more bang for their buck than hiring in-house. (And the measureable results to back it up.) 

Want to know more? Chat with us about our Entrepreneurial Pathway Program!  

Why Should You Use a Graphic Designer?

When you think of graphic design, you probably think of well-thought-out visuals found in ads, on social media, at events and more. Even if your company has only one employee, you know the importance of capturing customer attention through visual graphics. Especially in today’s world, where your brand can get lost in an oversaturated market, having a graphic designer on your support team can help you stand out. 

A graphic designer can help your brand’s consistency! 

Every business owner is also a customer for some other business. When you think like a customer, what drives you to choose a certain brand over and over? In general, customer loyalty, what most businesses strive for, is won through maintaining consistency in service and product. Those are your unique brand promises (your mission, values and voice) that are articulated through graphic design visuals. 

Good graphic design will help you to make a great first impression as well, the sure path to increased retention and sales. Something that is visually pleasing will deliver a stronger message, draw people in to learn more about who you are, and build your credibility. 

Not all graphic design is equal 

Here at P&A we have seen our fair share of graphic design gone wrong. Just because someone claims to be a graphic designer does not mean you should throw your whole budget over to them. It is always important to take your goals and your brand into consideration. Working with someone who “gets it” is ever important in helping you to streamline your team so everyone is on the same page.  

Your message matters now more than ever.  A good graphic designer will not just do their own thing with no regard to the identity you are building (or have built). They will be able to be a huge part of your strategic marketing team … TEAM being the keyword. That is why outsourcing to a team like P&A, with professional graphic designers on hand, can be so beneficial. We are already used to working together to align ourselves with our clients and their brands. And our communication skills rock when it comes to staying on the same page because we have all the strategies and technologies already in place. No building a team from the ground up here! 

A word about creativity 

Now we are finally getting into the meat of what you think graphic design entails … and that is a whole bunch of creativity! And you aren’t wrong. Professional graphic designers need to be able to think outside of the box while also following quite a few rules of composition. In the end, if you’ve got a good match, you will have something that could blow your competition out of the water. That is because creativity means uniqueness, a breath of fresh air when your customers see your marketing compared to the others they have scrolled past a million times.  

So, just to review, graphic design is something every company should invest in, regardless of size. That is because it can:

  • Increase brand awareness and exposure 
  • Portray a clear and concise visual message 
  • Build your credibility 
  • Help you stand out 

For entrepreneurs and business owners at every stage, graphic design matters. But you need to make sure it is in line with your goals and your brand. Head over to our website to learn more about our creative offerings as well as our Entrepreneurial Pathways to help your brand get established and expand! 

How to Rank Higher on Google

Google is a beast, but one that we need to work with in order to be successful in gaining access to our target markets. Most consumers, after all, will use a search engine to look up what they are trying to find, whether it be advice, local products, or services. But how can you make sure that your web page will rank higher on Google search results pages?  

Let’s rank higher on Google and get in front of more potential customers! 

Search engine results pages (or SERPs for short) are notoriously tricky. They contain ads, sidebars, a list of search results and a few other tricks. Although you can purchase ads, which you will see rank toward the top of the page with the word “sponsored” in bold, we want to try to get you there organically … meaning without spending your hard-earned bucks.  

But how can you do it? Isn’t that, like, the Holy Grail of marketing or something? 

Actually, it is quite doable, especially with a seasoned seo pro behind you. Here is what we suggest: 


In our first blog of the month, we broke down the importance of SEO (or search engine optimization) and how to make it work for you. SEO is all about choosing the right keywords. You need to do background research to understand the phrases and words your target market might be plugging into their search engine. The more on-point you are, the more likely your page will show up in the first page of search results.  

We can’t stress enough how important this step is. It should, in fact, take you some time. But, in the end it is time well spent when you have a good handle on what your target market is looking for, their intention behind their searching and key phrases they may be typing into that Google search bar. We always recommend Search Engine Optimization go hand-in-hand with website development. Retrofitting your SEO is frustrating, costly and … unnecessary. (IF your Web designer says “SEO isn’t in their bandwidth or we’ll do that later” STOP, DROP & ROLL. Please find someone who puts it all together with UX and your brand strategy!) 

Optimize your pages 

Once you have your keywords, you will want to make sure to optimize the pages on your website, including copy, blogs and more. In general, plugging keywords into certain areas will help your content to rank higher on a Google search. This includes: 

  • Page title 
  • Header tags 
  • URL structures 
  • Meta description 

This is where things can get tricky because, although you want to add your keywords in, it must be done with finesse. Otherwise, your content won’t make sense and probably won’t sound very good to the reader. Having the help of a strategic marketing firm who knows their stuff can come in super handy. (Wink, wink) 

Create quality content 

That brings us to our next step, creating quality content. Not only do you need to use keywords in just the right places, but you also need to make sure your content is interesting. Is your article, blog, or webpage copy relevant and engaging? Is it useful to your audience and providing a good user experience? Google will use certain methods to determine content quality as part of the search results they return to the user.  

Make it mobile-friendly

Optimize your website so it is mobile-friendly (responsive!) if you want to rank higher on Google searches. Why? Because we all carry a supercomputer around in our pocket and, even when people are at home, they are most likely searching on their handheld device instead of a laptop or desktop. Your website is mobile-friendly if users can read the content well, view any images and navigate without trouble.  (This is not the same as viewing a teeny-tiny mini website; photos should automatically stack and text adjusts.) 

There are a plethora of other, more advanced, ways to get your foot in the door of Google. But, by starting with these tips, you will find yourself crawling up the search results in no time!  

Need some help? Feel free to contact us, sign up for our newsletter or follow us on social to learn more about the expertise advice we offer! 

How to Prioritize Your Keywords and Optimization Goals

Search Engine Optimization (or SEO) is something most of us know exists, but we don’t always know how to make it work for us or our brand. In fact, it can be downright confusing! Instead of falling apart when it’s time to actually figure out which keywords *might* work to grab you some eyeballs, stick with us for the next few minutes and we will give you our short but sweet lesson in SEO for beginners… 

Keywords are more than just something that grabs your audience’s attention

Let’s forget everything we know about keywords in the analog world, because the web is a completely different beast. Search engines have things down to a science, and one that runs efficiently (and a little bit cut-throat if we are being honest). In order to find your place in the gauntlet of entrepreneurs (especially within your industry) you will need to start with the basics: 


Isn’t it funny how things always circle back to research? That is because, aside from everything else we could throw at you, knowing your brand and consumers well is the key to success in just about everything business related. Keyword research isn’t as tough as it seems, especially if you know your brand’s mission, voice and target audience. When you know your audience, you can define the questions in their search … and that, my friends, are your keywords. 

Find relevant keywords 

First, take some time to brainstorm some topics that are related to your business or industry. Then, using a keyword planning tool such as Ahrefs, input these topics one at a time to see relevant keywords. You are looking for a keyword that doesn’t have too much competition, but still has search volume potential. Still confused? Let us take the work out of it for you. 

Double check your work 

Evaluating the relevance of your keywords is crucial. In this step, make sure that you understand why you are using certain keywords, what connotations they may have, and double check to ensure they align with your brand. Do the keywords you have found align with the message you want to send to your audience? Do they resonate with you as a business owner or employee? Are they closely related to your industry?  

Check out the competition 

Jump on websites of your competitors. Follow them on social. Read their blogs. What keywords are they using? Who are they reaching that you aren’t? While you are at it, spend some time checking in on your target market. They may be using terms that you aren’t familiar with.  

Use your keywords wisely 

Relevant keywords should be used on your website, in your blogs, in copy you share and more, but that doesn’t mean it’s a free-for-fall. Too many keywords is just as bad as too few. (We call it “keyword soup” … and Google will actually punish you for that.) Make sure your messaging and content make sense to your audience so when they find your brand (thanks to your amazing SEO) they will jive with what you are dishing out.  

Need more help? SEO can be tricky, but we are experts! Whether you are an entrepreneur, small business, or already-established brand, let’s chat 

Public Relations: It’s Not Dead Yet

In today’s digital-heavy environment, you would be hard-pressed to find a successful business, even a small one, that doesn’t have some type of online presence. From social media to websites, newsletters and blogs, companies are connecting with their customers nearly 24-hours a day. As important as these highly targeted efforts are, don’t take the place of a strong public relations effort. In a world of constant messaging that begins to all sound the same, PR may be a leg up on the competition. 

Public Relations is the secret sauce 

Companies generally use PR services to create a strategic communications plan and develop a trusting relationship with their customers. According to the Public Relations Society of America (PRSA), Public relations is a strategic communication process that builds mutually beneficial relationships between organizations and their publics.”  

And in this climate in which consumers are being inundated by information, messaging and marketing, being succinct and on point is vital.  

Think of brands you trust and consider yourself loyal to. What do they all have in common? Do they deliver on their promises? Maintain the same message on all platforms and marketing? Hold themselves with integrity when things get uncertain or go south? That is because they have all worked diligently to have flawless and intentional PR. 

Long live PR 

It may be a challenge to translate a major brand’s public relations efforts to your business. Does your company warrant a public relations plan? Absolutely. Check out some of the reasons your company should start focusing more energy on PR this year: 

Build credibility 

Building credibility with your customer goes right along with everything we have already discussed. We can’t stress enough how important that is right now, as consumer attention becomes scarce. With so many things to look at, why would they pay attention to your brand? Because they are loyal to you, your message fits in with what they like, and you have gained their trust through consistent communication. 

Build more brand awareness 

With social media, there are plenty of ways to get your brand in front of more people. PR makes use of these platforms while not missing a beat with other tactics like media outreach, events, and sponsorships. Creating sustainable brand loyalty requires more than an online presence. Being entrenched in and engaged with your community — regardless of the size of your business — is key. When you have a consistent message and brand that is repeatedly and consistently delivered, you are making a powerful impression. 

Grow through partnerships 

Instead of focusing on ways you can generate revenue through paid media (advertising), PR (sometimes referred to as earned media) helps you reach further into the community and make use of influencers, sponsorships and other industry organizations. Leveraging partnerships is also a great way to get in front of an audience, grow your brand following and get the word out that you care about your community!  

It’s a beautiful time to focus on PR 

A funny thing is happening in our culture right now. While many people are tuned in to social media, there is also a bit of an exodus; as users are exiting various platforms citing “overload,” they focus attention to the connections and relationships in their communities. What a great time to get your message out on multiple platforms! 

Since launching in 2010, our clients have appeared on front pages, in national magazines, television and radio news segments, talk shows, podcasts, and videos. We’ve represented companies in their most shining moments and their darkest hours; we’ve worked on grand openings and painful closings; celebrated high-profile accolades and managed high-profile legal challenges. The common thread: A consistent message, based on truth and transparency. That is public relations … a valuable asset in 2024.  

Think an experienced public relations expert is the missing link in your marketing efforts? Learn more about P&A’s PR efforts, and if you’d like to chat about putting our public relations expertise to work for your business, send me an email at 

Red Shoe Diaries and the Power of First Impressions

Your Biz Squad Professional: Stephanie Grabow

👠Lucky Dorothy. Her homemade blue gingham dress got a glow-up when she put on glittery ruby pumps. 

Those shoes had superpowers that transported her to where she most wanted to be, into the circle of the people that she most wanted to be with.

When she clicked those shiny shoes together, they helped her shortcut out on the flying monkeys, the creepy guy, and the perils of a witchy-witch.

Am I advocating for you to wear gingham and glitter together? Not unless you’re doing a whole cosplay thing and that’s another conversation.

I AM telling you that shoes can change your life.

🙈Or at the very least, they can speed you forward toward your goals and avoid tangling with pesky flying monkeys.

There’s solid research that documents that we really are judged from the ground up.

🤯In the Mid-South, where I grew up, you’re taught from an early age that you can determine whether someone is worth your time by looking at the heels of their shoes. 

Scuffed-up heels, frayed shoelaces, and, worst of all BORING SHOES? Those are clear signs that the other person is not serious about your time.


  • she lacks self-awareness about the vibe that she is sending off.
  • she doesn’t pay attention to details.
  • she doesn’t care what people think about her.

Actions taken on first impressions are real and you can use them to your benefit or your detriment. You get to choose.

Sitting at your desk, looking down at your feet and thinking, 

“Huh. I wonder what these turquoise rubber flip-flops I bought at Whole Foods say about my professional capabilities?”

Maybe you’re also making this face? 😳

Am I advocating for this outdated system of judging each other?

Hard no. 

But what you and I both know is that business interactions can move so quickly that snap judgments are made, and in that quick second you want every detail you can control to be working in your favor. 

Your client has 21,000 unread emails and a text notification bubble that’s on fire.

Make their job of choosing YOU easier.

You’ve heard a thousand times that a large part of communication is nonverbal. 

If your prospect sees you as not pulled together, or worse yet, someone who doesn’t care about perceptions?  They’re probably not going to feel confident trusting you to come into their inner circle and help solve their business problems.

Why make connecting with clients or co-workers harder than it has to be?

Put on a pair of shoes that will get you in the door using these 4 guidelines:

Opt for color. An outfit built from neutrals gets a punch of excitement when you finish your look with shoes in one of your ideal colors. Wearing dark denim and a neutral top? Grab a pair of flats in your best green or pink. Your outfit will look more intentional and great shoes are an easy conversation starter.

Choose a modern silhouette. Those round-toe ballet flats from 2015 have seen better days. Choose an almond-shaped or square-toed version to look more current.

Choose comfort. I promise that you’ve never had the best day of your life in shoes that hurt your feet. Make sure that you can walk a city block in your shoes without getting a blister.

If sustainability is your thing, choose a brand that uses recycled materials. Every season, there are more great choices that check this box, so you’ve got lots of options.

Dorothy’s red shoes changed her life. Maybe your next pair of shoes will too!

Always cheering you on!


Stephanie 💋

Stephanie Grabow is the Founder and CEO of Stephanie Grabow Style+ and SG Style Collective. She is a style coach for female entrepreneurs and leaders, a speaker and a curator of beautiful things. It is her goal to make nailing your look the easiest 10 minutes of your day. Follow her at