We could throw out a million jokes about why size matters, but let’s cut to the chase: All designs don’t work with all social media platform sizing requirements. If you drop the ball with your target market because of subpar posts, a competitor will be there with crisp, professional marketing to get their attention. Not to use fear tactics to drive you into hypervigilance or anything, but in the fast-paced world that is today’s marketing you need to be ready to strike while the iron is hot. And that means delivering not only some great content, but stuff that LOOKS good too.  

Your designs need to have the right sizing to make the right impact 

It’s tempting to make one graphic (or hire someone to make one graphic) and cut corners by posting it to every outlet. Believe me, we have been there (and, admittedly, done that). It is a mistake everyone makes at some point on their social media journey. And, as with all mistakes, it is important to continuously learn better ways of doing things.  

Resizing your graphics to fit specifications for different social media platforms is a much better way to offer crisp, professional looking content to your target market. 

Not only that, it will also make you more searchable for those fancy algorithms, which prioritize optimized images over those that are not correctly sized. Increasing your reach in this way is simpler than it seems and it will make your entire social profile appear more credible to your future customers. No more pixelated images or truncated text for you! 

Why working with a professional graphic designer helps 

Graphic designers are in the know about sizing (which can change often for various platforms) and they understand the importance of crisp visuals in grabbing attention from your scrolling target market. You will also need to take into account the differing sizes for videos versus static posts, stories, reels and more. Graphic designers will often create multiple versions of one image or video so it can be shared across various platforms with correct sizing. Remember, this doesn’t just help the visual appeal of your brand, it also helps your reach! 

The magic of hiring a professional graphic designer lies in their ability to build unique, creative and on-brand designs married with the knowledge of which imagery to use where and at what sizing. 

Now, think about combining THAT with professional content creators, digital marketing wizards, PR mavens and more. Did someone say growth? Brand recognition? An increase in customers and sales? That is the magic of the P&A Team. 

Can you do it in house? Yes. Can you do it yourself? Yes. You can do whatever you set your mind to. You are a business owner after all! But we do find that many entrepreneurs who are overwhelmed with all it takes to run a business benefit from outsourcing their graphic design and other strategic marketing to companies like us, who can give them a lot more bang for their buck than hiring in-house. (And the measureable results to back it up.) 

Want to know more? Chat with us about our Entrepreneurial Pathway Program!  

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